Development of Enterprise Clinical Application for The Clearity Foundation

During the 2nd quarter of 2012 we have been developing an enterprise clinical application for The Clearity Foundation. The Clearity Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to “improving treatment options for ovarian cancer patients.”

Patient Information Entry

Our initial focus is on entry of patient information and test results by the foundation staff, with the initial goal of automating the process as much as possible. The forms in the application are organized as tabs; see Figure 1. The tabs are organized to match the work flow of entering and analyzing patient information and test results.

People: The people tab contains Patient Information, Physician Information and the Relationship forms. The Relationship form creates associate between patients and and their physicians.
History: The patient clinical history is entered under the History tab. The foundation collects information on disease progress, surgeries, drug treatments, imaging and diagnostic procedures.
Specimens: The Specimen form collects relevant information on specimens that have been collected from the patient, clinical locations of the specimens, and the physicians associated with the specimens; see Figure 2c.
Results: Results from testing laboratories can be associated with a specimen and uploaded to the server, where they are processed and returned as test sets. Each test set is displayed under its own expandable element. Each result in a test set can be edited; see Figure 3.
Analysis: The analysis of patient information and test results is initialized and displayed under the Analysis tab.
Figure 1
People Tab in the Application
The People tab contains the Patient Information, the Physician Information and the Relationship forms.  The Relationship form manages the relationship between patients and and their physicians.
People tab in The Clearity Foundation application. All of the personal information displayed in this figure is fictitious and does not represent real individuals.
Figure 2
Specimens Tab in The Clearity Foundation Application
The Specimen form/tab collects the relevant information on the specimens that were collected from the patient.  The clinical location of the specimen, and the physician associated with the specimen captured in this form.
Specimens tab in The Clearity Foundation application. All of the personal information displayed in this figure is fictitious and does not represent real individuals or their specimens.
Figure 3
Results Tab in The Clearity Foundation Application
The Specimen form/tab collects the relevant information on the specimens that were collected from the patient.  The clinical location of the specimen, and the physician associated with the specimen captured in this form.
Results tab in The Clearity Foundation application. At the top, the Add (upload) section and one of the “Test-Lab” test set have been opened. In the open test set one of the IHC results is being edited. All of the personal information displayed in this figure is fictitious and does not represent real individuals or their results.
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